Tuesday, December 8, 2015

How to Use Your Laptop as a Wi-Fi Hotspot

You can share your laptop or desktop Internet connection via Wi-Fi to other devices, and for the most part, it's quite simple. Mac users face no trouble at all, as setting up Internet sharing in OS X is just a couple of click away, but for Windows users the process can be a little bit more laboured. The built-in options don't always cut it due to the complicated setup and reliability problems.
Internet sharing on Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 8.1
Thankfully, there are quite a few apps that let you use your machine as a WiFi hotspot. Before you use any of these apps, you may want to check the steps on Microsoft's site to see Windows' built-in Internet sharing and see if you have better luck than we did. We do recommend that you skip that and use a third-party app instead, since the experience is usually much better.

We tested some popular apps that let you do this - Connectify and Virtual Router Plus. The latter didn't work very well for us. Our anti-virus flagged it as a threat and during installation it tried to make us install unwanted software
We didn't have the same issues with Connectify. It is a reliable app for turning your computer into a WiFi hotspot . Before you proceed, know that you will need a Windows PC with a Wi-Fi adapter (or built-in WiFi) to make this work. If your computer does not have WiFi, then you can buy one that connects via USB, such as this one.

Here are the steps to setup your Windows machine as a Wi-Fi hotspot:

1. Download Connectify and install it. The installation is pretty straightforward and when installation is complete, restart your computer.

2. After restarting the computer, check whether it is connected to the Internet. If it is, run the Connectify Hotspot app.

3. You'll see two tabs in the app - Settings and Clients. In the Settings tab, under "Create a..." click Wi-Fi Hotspot.

4. Under Internet to Share, you'll see a drop-down menu. Expand it and select the connection you want to share. We tested this app with a wired and a wireless connection and found that it worked perfectly with both.

5. Under that, you'll see some more options. Add a Wi-Fi password. Click Start Hotspot.


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