Sunday, December 13, 2015

What's new in Android 6.0 marshmallow

Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow is a version of latest android mobile operating system. It was officially release on October 2015 on nexus  devices . Actually nexus user are so lucky to getting latest update of android soon .. So now lets take brief look and improvement of android marshmallow 

Some new features of Marshmallow:

1. Now On Tap:
             Spot on answers,fast or the smartest shortcut from here to there.
Now on Tap anticipates what you need in the moment. With a simple tap, you can get cards with useful information and apps that feed your need to know.

2.Smarter batteries: 
          Newly release Marshmallow update have great improvement of battery . Actually nexus devices was not so Good in battery performance After updating to v6.0 battery timing seem to be much better
Actually in that update  two new features  introduced .
  • Battery Doze: When your device is at rest, Doze automatically puts it into a sleep state. So your phone can still set off your alarm in the morning even if you forgot to charge it. 
  • App Standby: No more battery drain from seldom used apps: App Standby limits their impact on battery life so your charge lasts longer
3. Control and security :
        Actually v6.0 help to secure your more precisely by introducing permission access features.
  • Permission your way: No need to give apps access all the time. Android Marshmallow lets you define what you want to share and when. Turn permissions off at any time, too.
  • Simplified  Security with fingerprints: Skip the crazy passwords: The key is at hand. Your fingerprint unlocks your phone and lets you securely breeze through sign in and checkout on Android Pay, the Play Store and even in apps. 

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